Psychiatric Disorders?

Maybe it's some kind of psychiatric disorder. Maybe it's just laziness.

Whatever I want to call it, I certainly have a problem with follow-through and completion.

I'm finally getting around to finishing a series of studio still-lives - Sandi and I created these together after she did this project a few years ago - see the series Found(ations) here - and also instigated by a recent dinner with my friend Suzanne Donaldson, the Director of Photography at Glamour Mag. I was lamenting the demise of the multi-day travel editorial assignment. She suggested shooting still-life in the conde' nast studio. "But I don't have a still-life portfolio," I said. Now I do....

And here's one of my favorite one:


Donald V. Rainville said...

If your having a problem with follow through here are some things to remember:

1, This is a common problem among artist types you are far from alone.
2, da Vinci was famous for starting things and not finishing them, largely because he out thought himself. He would begin a project lay it out draw it and often finish the project in his head and not follow through with it in reality. This happened because he either realized it wouldn't work, didn't like the outcome in his head or was satisfied he knew how it might work lost interest in its physical completion and just stopped working on it.
3, Most artist when they die are found to have loads of started yet unfinished works in their studios and in storage... it's part of the artistic process. You can turn down the volume and focus more on picking projects you are sure of and pushing to follow through more often but never shut it off. It's far better to realize it is a vitally important part of an artistic mind to let it wonder until it clicks on what's good and what's not.

Think of your mind as the marble on the roulette wheel, it bounces around quite a bit but always come to rest on a number. and when the game is complete it starts again. No one would play the game if the marble didn't bounce... that's where the excitement is...


Anonymous said...

Russell, do you want a psychiatric disorder? I can arrange one, if you'd like!

Maybe you are a Myers-Briggs "P"--the no planner type--don't like schedules, don't like to plan, adaptable, flexible, etc.

Here's a cheater's version of the Myers-Briggs:

You can find out if you are "Mr. Flexible"!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot:

If you whities are tight, you're probably not Mr Flexible . . .

Russell Kaye said...

Hey M & M - maybe just a copy of the DSM IV...

and those are Rufus' tighties!